Housing Choice Voucher

The Section 8 Waitlist is closed at this time and we are not accepting applications.

Our Staff and Contact Information
Savin Rock Communities Section 8/HCV Program
23B Glade Street, West Haven, CT 06516
203-934-8671 / 203-937-0306

Director of Leased Housing
Elizabeth McManus
203-934-8671 Ext. 101

Tenant Coordinator Assignment for CURRENT Participants

Surfside or John Prete Tenants
Cindy Carone
203-934-8671 Ext. 120

Last names beginning with A-Gonzalez
Madelyn Polanco
203-934-8671 Ext. 105

Last names beginning with Goo-Reynolds
Chris Broadbent
203-934-8671 Ext. 135

Last names beginning with Ric-Z
Bianca Soradi
203-934-8671 Ext. 106

Section 8 Office Administrator
Tina Goodwin
203-934-8671 Ext. 100

Inspection Office
Brian Morrissey :
203-691-8444 Ext. 103 / 203-691-8426

Paul Mulligan :
203-691-8444 Ext. 102 / 203-691-8426

Portability for Housing Choice Voucher Participants
Housing Choice vouchers are accepted by cities across the country, giving families the opportunity to choose where they live. As with any move, participants must provide a 30-day written notice to their landlord and the housing agency in which they currently participate. However, depending on the lease, the landlord may require up to a 60-day written notice. A mutual rescission may also be required. For current Savin Rock Communities participants wanting to move, a completed Request to Move form is also required (you can find this form under “forms” below).

For incoming portability requests, participants should contact their current housing agency and request paperwork to be submitted to Savin Rock Communities to start the portability request. Once an apartment in West Haven is secured, the Request for Tenancy Approval form (you can find this form under “forms” below) must be completed by the new landlord and participant must contact the new tenant coordinator at Savin Rock Communities.

Every housing authority has its own rules, regulations and deadlines. Contact Savin Rock Communities to obtain this information. Fair Market Rent limits, payment standards, and utility allowances for Savin Rock Communities may be different and may affect the rent amount paid. Subsidy standards may be different.  A new voucher will be issued by Savin Rock Communities. Savin Rock Communities may change the size of your voucher. Prior to your move to West Haven, you will meet with your assigned tenant coordinator to re-verify your income and household. Occupancy standards may be different.

Click on the links below to download and print forms

Frequently Asked Questions

The Housing Choice Voucher Program was formerly known as the Section 8 Program. It is a federally subsidized rental assistance program, monitored by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides rental assistance to low-income families in privately owned housing units.

Any adult 18 years of age and older who meets the income guidelines and has a social security number is eligible to apply for assistance.

As vouchers become available, Savin Rock Communities will invite applicants from our waiting list and screen them for eligibility. Families who meet the income guidelines and pass a criminal background check are issued vouchers. The voucher allows them to have a portion of their rent paid by Savin Rock Communities and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

No, we are not currently taking new applications for assistance. We will advertise in the major media outlets when we start accepting new applications for assistance.

Only participants in good standing will be eligible to move with their voucher. Please see above under “forms” and complete the Section 8 Request to Move form and submit this completed form to your tenant coordinator. Please make sure that the proper notice has been given to your landlord and a copy of this is submitted with the form.